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3398 Bridle Run Trail NW, Marietta GA 30064
Eduscize is a research-based curriculum that turns an ordinary classroom into a fun, engaging, learning environment that promotes the health and well-being of every child through standards based kinesthetic learning. Eduscize consists of 72 K-5 lessons that are specifically designed for the workshop model.
Eduscize didn’t just get created overnight. It has taken 15 years of learning and growing as an educator to create this. Being a Kindergarten, First, Second and K-5 STEAM lab teacher has given me a ton of different experiences over the years. The one constant that always stood out was when I had students move, they learned best. I have been lucky to have many mentors that have supported my creativity and have let me try things that may seem unorthodox but in reality every idea I’ve had has always been what is best for kids. Education is about trying new things and finding the best way for children to learn. I strive to continue to find more ways to help all students succeed while making learning engaging for all.
Eduscize is the evolution of my teaching practices all combined to create a truly one of a kind curricula. I began to develop the concept of Eduscize after I read the research done by Varma, et al. (2017) that found that the average 19-year-old has the same daily physical activity as a 60-year-old. Upon learning this I applied for a grant with our P.E. teacher and we were awarded over $11,000. The program begin by purchasing 2 sets of IHT heart rate monitors. Upon seeing how engaged students were with these I knew I had to find another way to get students moving in school. This inspired me to begin developing a math curriculum based on simple games that used various types of movement in small classroom spaces. As I created the curriculum I summoned my amazing co-workers to test the lessons and concepts to ensure they engaged students, met standards, and helped achievement.